The PGI Pellet system is a stainless steel concentric flue suitable for pellet stoves.
This new generation of chimney optimising the appliance efficiency and can be used both in new build and renovation installations where energy saving and thermal improvement are the aim.
It is available in 2 diameters (Ø100/150 & Ø130/200).
> The stove efficiency can be improved by 10 to 15% reducing the amount of fuel consumed.
> Adaptor solution to suit most of appliances outlets
> High quality product
> Quick and easy to install
> Easily meets regulation requirements
> Wide range of accessories i.e. Terminals, adjustable lengths, elbows, tees, brackets & supports.
Complete range of ancillaries available
> Air-vent, fire-cement, fire rope, smoke pellet, mastic, selant, CO alarm, paint, insulation bag, thermometer, moisture meter, clay pot and more.
All of the products offered by Cheminées Poujoulat have been rigorously tested in every configuration by the CERIC Laboratory to ensure they meet highest standards (Building Regulation Document J - Amendments to Approved Documents).
> Max. Temperature limitation: 450°C
> CE marking: 0071-CPR-23485
> Designation: T450 N1 W V2 L50040 G100* - Inner wall thickness: 0.4mm.
* Note:
> Dynamic application: If combustion air is supplied via the system then it is a dynamic application requiring just 50mm clearance to combustible materials.
> Static application: If the air is supplied by an independent source then, the air gap is static in which case 100 mm clearance to combustible materials is required.
>Most pellet stoves are compatible with our PGI chimney system. They benefit by having the necessary combustion air supply pre-heated by the chimney on route to the stove air intake. As a result, there is an improvement in the combustion process providing 10 to 15 % annual fuel saving (400 kg of pellet).
> The lengths with air intake come in 2 options 90° and 135° to suit location of the air supply on the stove.
> Lateral (wall bracket) every 4 metres.
> Deadweight (wall support) every 16 metres.
> Freestanding up to 3 metres above last support with Reinforced Locking Bands (2 metres as standard)
Chimney passing through the ceiling floor level
> Joints between chimney sections and associated locking bands shall not occur within any ceiling joist space or wall/partitions.
> Fire-stops or Fire-stop/spacers shall be fitted to the frame formed between compartments through which the chimney passes.
> The lower end of the chimney shall extend at least 150 mm below a non-combustible ceiling, but the required clearance distance from combustibles to the connecting flue pipe must also be respected, usually three times the diameter of the connecting flue pipe eg. 150 dia. pipe = 450mm clearance to combustible.
> Where the flue pipe connects to the chimney the connection shall be made using our Pipe Connection Length (EDP) or using our P Adaptor which can be supplied with any spigot diameter so suit.
Distance to combustible materials
> Therminox has exceptional thermal properties that guarantee a true 50mm clearance to combustible materials.
> The chimney system shall have no more than 4 bends in total. 2 bends in the chimney and 2 bends in the flue pipe connection.
> The offset shall provide a change of direction no more than 45° from the vertical.
> The run of chimney between bends shall not exceed 20% of the total chimney length.
> It is important that chimneys serving all types of solid fuel appliance are swept regularly to remove soot, tar and potential blockages.